Have you found that when adobe reader 9 tries to install it uninstalls previous versions.
Good you might say as it used to install a fresh version, so if you have version 4 when 5 came out it would leave 4 and create a folder with version 5 and thus hogging your hard drive. Well done to Adobe.
However during some installs of version 9 it fails to install because of registry entries that it can't delete. It then leaves without any version of adobe reader and no message telling you why.
To get round this try doing the following.
Create a new text file on your desk top to do this right click on the desk top go down to New on the list look for text document open the file (should open with notepad).
Paste the following into the open document from start script to end script
'script start
'Dim WshShell
On Error Resume Next
'Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
sCmd = "reg delete HKCR\Installer\Features\68AB67CA7DA73301B7448A1100000030 /f"
nRC = WshShell.Run ( sCmd, 0, True )
sCmd = "reg delete HKCR\Installer\Features\68AB67CA7DA73301B7448A0000000020 /f"
nRC = WshShell.Run ( sCmd, 0, True )
sCmd = "reg delete HKCR\Installer\Products\68AB67CA7DA73301B7448A1100000030 /f"
nRC = WshShell.Run ( sCmd, 0, True )
sCmd = "reg delete HKCR\Installer\Products\68AB67CA7DA746454382080000000030 /f"
nRC = WshShell.Run ( sCmd, 0, True )
'end of script
Once you have pasted the above into your text document save the file and close
Click once on the file, then right click from the list move down to near the end and click on rename.
Rename the file to anything you like but make sure it ends .vbs
Then click on the desk top you will be told
If you change a file name extension, the file may become unstable.
Are you sure you want to change it?
Click yes.
Nearly done.
Double click the newly named file.
Then re install Adobe reader version 9 as per normal.
Please remember to make back ups. I can not be held responsible for any damage however caused.