Windows Tips » Windows Tweakomatic |
Posted By Guido on 25 March 2006 | The Tweakomatic is a nifty new utility that writes scripts that allow you to retrieve and/or configure Windows and Internet Explorer settings. So what, you might ask. Well, think about it. Because these are WMI scripts, they can be used to configure settings on remote computers.
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Windows Tips » Easy XP personal screen saver. |
Posted By Guido on 25 March 2006 | It used to be a total pain to create a screensaver out of your personal photo collection, but XP makes it easy. Put your pictures in the "My Pictures" folder and XP can automatically display them as a screensaver. It even uses cool transition effects.
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Photography » Tripods - How to Avoid Blurry Photos |
Posted By Guido on 24 March 2006 | All of us had the experience of shooting photos just to find out they look blurry or too soft. In almost all cases the reason for that is camera movement. When the camera moves while the shutter is open the result is a soft or blurry photo. Usually camera movements are small and for that reason in high shutter speeds the camera does not have an opportunity to move enough. However in some scenarios such as slow shutter speeds or high zoom values even the tiniest movement will result in a blurry photo.
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Photography » Definition of Resolution |
Posted By Guido on 24 March 2006 | Resolution can be defined as the number of pixels that, constellated together, form an image or a photograph. Pixels are small points on the image that can have various colors. Digital photography uses pixels to create photos. Image sizes in photography are measured by the number of pixels in width and depth. The measurement is generally determined as resolution. Computer screens use the same measurements as digital photography. Most typical are sizes such as 800 x 600, 1024 x 768, 1280 x 960, 1280 x 1024, and so on.
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